Volunteer at Studio 23
There are a lot of ways you can help us in our mission of making the arts relevant and accessible to all.
Review the list of available volunteer positions on this webpage to learn more about each role and find opportunities that are the right fit for you.
Complete the volunteer form to be added to our volunteer email list, and we will get in touch when we could use your help.
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for ways to get involved and support Studio 23? Our volunteers make everything we do possible—from assisting at events to helping with art programs and community outreach. Explore the calendar below to find upcoming opportunities that fit your schedule and interests!
How to Sign Up
Browse the Calendar – Click on any of the VOLUNTEER images/events to see details about the volunteer opportunity, including date, time, and role descriptions.
Select Your Opportunity – Once you find a shift that works for you, follow the sign-up link included in the event details, and select the event and time you would like from the drop down menus. Skip right to the sign-up link to browse opportunities by category.
Confirm Your Spot – After signing up, you’ll receive a confirmation email with any necessary details.
Get Ready to Volunteer – Plan to show up a few minutes before your shift begins. If you have questions, feel free to contact us at executive.director@studio23baycity.org or agibas@studio23baycity.org.
Not sure which opportunity is right for you? Reach out to us, and we’d love to help match you with a role that fits your interests!
Volunteer Positions
Click on any of the available volunteer positions below to learn more about them and find opportunities that are the right fit for you.
Exhibit Opening Receptions are typically the first Thursday of an exhibit from 5 – 7 p.m., although alternate times and days are possible, including events outside of the regular exhibition schedule. Volunteers should arrive before the start of the event to receive information on the exhibit or event.
Special events may have specific needs and responsibilities, which will be communicated for these events. Special events include the Black & White Affair, Chalk Walk Art Festival, Curiosities & Wonders Exposition, and other fundraising events.
Your support will enable us (Studio 23) to network with our attendees and promote a welcoming and organized atmosphere for artists and community members.
• Greeting, directing to restrooms and refreshments, giving info like when remarks will take place
• Cleaning up after guests
• Coat check (weather appropriate)
• Bartending
• Cleanup after reception – collecting trash, cleaning dishes, putting away tables, etc.
• Manning membership and volunteer table
• Offer information on Studio 23 membership, classes, and volunteering to guests
Estimated Time Commitment
Hours per occurrence: 2 to 3 hours; up to 5 hours during special events*
Frequency per month/year: ~ 6 to 10 openings per year
*Events may be broken down into shorter volunteer shifts. Volunteers should arrive approximately 20 to 30 minutes before the reception or event begins. Additional special events vary in scheduling and frequency.
Studio 23 Responsibilities & Support
Studio 23 will provide volunteers an overview of the current exhibit; information and handouts on membership, classes and workshops; and additional instructions or materials as needed.
Skills, Talent, or Interests Required
This opportunity is great for those looking to practice social skills and interactions, meet new people, or enjoy being in a social atmosphere. Volunteers should expect to be on their feet for most of a volunteer shift.
Studio 23 frequently creates posters, flyers, and other print material to promote events, classes and workshops, and other happenings at Studio 23. Volunteers are needed to help distribute these materials to businesses and organizations in the Great Lakes Bay Region in a timely manner.
Your support will allow us to promote and advertise events and happenings at Studio 23 and encourage community involvement, making sure our events are well attended and successful.
• Delivering posters, flyers, postcards, etc. to businesses and organizations in the Great Lakes Bay Region
Estimated Time Commitment
Hours per occurrence: 1 to 3 hours, dependent on volunteers’ availability
Frequency per month/year: Frequency is dependent on scheduled events. Typically, help is needed once every 1 to 2 months.
Studio 23 Responsibilities & Support
Studio 23 will provide leads on businesses and organizations in the area that are willing to hang posters or distribute flyers. Print materials can be picked up at Studio 23.
Skills, Talents, or Interests Required
Volunteers should expect to spend time walking from business to business and driving when necessary.
Willingness to “cold call” businesses to ask about hanging posters or distributing materials
Help is appreciated in building our list of leads, especially in areas outside of Downtown Bay City (Saginaw, Midland, and other areas of the Great Lakes Bay Region).
Studio 23 participates in several community events throughout the year to promote the Studio and our activities and events. Events include the Rise ’n’ Shine Race at the YMCA, Riverside Art Festival, National Night Out, Family Fun Night, and more.
Studio 23 typically provides a small free craft project and has class, membership, and event information available. This role will be filled by multiple volunteers or volunteers paired with Studio 23 faculty or staff.
• Set up presentation of materials such as membership brochures, class and workshop catalogs, and other flyers and print materials
• Facilitate small free craft project, including setup and cleanup, and maintain orderliness of work space
• Provide information on membership, classes and workshops, events, and exhibits.
• Promote Studio 23 and our mission of making the arts relevant and accessible to all in the Great Lakes Bay Region
Estimated Time Commitment
Events typically range from 2 to 4 hours, with additional setup and breakdown time. Longer events may be broken down into smaller volunteer shifts.
Studio 23 Responsibilities & Support
Studio 23 will provide table, chairs, and presentation materials as needed, as well as materials for free craft projects. Volunteers can pick up a package with the materials needed from Studio 23 before the event. Studio 23 will also prep volunteers with information on memberships, classes and workshops, exhibits, and events.
Skills, Talents, or Interests Required
This opportunity is perfect for those who love interacting with the community and promoting Studio 23. Sharing everything about the Studio has to offer is a must!
In this role, volunteers will package and prepare supplies for virtual and off-site classes. Volunteers may also be asked to package Craft Bar projects.
Your support will help provide art projects for the community and for children in schools that receive art lessons through Studio 23!
• Package supplies for youth and teen virtual classes
• Package supply packets for outreach schools (Pinconning, Standish-Sterling, etc.)
• Prepare Craft Bar packets
Estimated Time Commitment
Class packets are usually packaged twice per year and, depending on the number of volunteers, can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours to complete.
Craft Bar packets cycle throughout the year, and typically change quarterly. Depending on the number of volunteers, packing and preparing for the quarter can take approximately 1 to 3 hours to complete.
Studio 23 Responsibilities & Support
Studio 23 will provide volunteers with instructions for the projects and what needs to be placed in what package, along with the total number of packages needed.
The same goes for Craft Bar projects.
Skills, Talents, or Interests Required
Assembling packets and packages can be monotonous, but also therapeutic! Volunteers should like an assembly-line sort of process. It is very streamlined and straightforward. If you like a quiet atmosphere, this is perfect for you!
Member Make & Takes are free craft projects for members of Studio 23 that are provided four times per year. They are designed to be fun and easy for all ages. Members can create in the Studio or take a packet home.
Your support will allow us to provide a welcoming and friendly environment to spark creativity among our members and their families.
• Monitor the member Make & Take project table, giving guidance and instruction as needed
• Take photos for Studio 23 social media (with permission)
• Maintain orderliness of supplies and work areas and help to clean up messes
Estimated Time Commitment
Member Make & Takes are typically scheduled for 3 to 5 hours, dependent on studio or classroom availability. Volunteers may work in shorter shifts, dependent on availability.
Member Make & Takes projects are offered four times per year.
Studio 23 Responsibilities & Support
Studio 23 will provide examples and printed instructions with pictures for volunteers and members creating the craft. A Studio 23 faculty member will give an overview of the project and materials being used and will be present to answer questions.
Skills, Talents, or Interests Required
This opportunity is perfect for those who love to be creative with others. Must be able and willing to work with children and families as well as adults.
If you like to organize, this is for you! Many areas of the Studio can use a bit of a refresh. A few examples include: our classroom closet, clay, shelf-filling, cubbies.
Your support will allow us to invest our time and energy into our programming, exhibits, and outreach!
• Classroom closet: Organizing supplies in sectioned-off spaces, labeling, tidying up
• Clay: Lifting boxes and bricks of clay (boxes = 50 lbs., bricks = 25 lbs.)
• Cubbies: We have four cubbies that we use for storage; these tend to get cluttered after events, so a simple organization session can do wonders!
Estimated Time Commitment
Classroom closet: 1 to 2 hours; ~ 3 times per year (after each seasonal session)
Clay: 1 to 2 hours; ~ once per month
Cubbies: 1 to 2 hours; ~ 4 times per year (or after each larger event)
Studio 23 Responsibilities & Support
For each opportunity, Studio 23 will provide guidance and oversight (if necessary). Classroom organization already has labels and sectioned-off spaces, but those could be revamped if the volunteer is ambitious! Clay volunteers will be given a dolly and gloves to help with moving boxes around. Bins, totes, and labels will be provided for those who are interested in cubby organization.
Skills, Talents, or Interests Required
Closet organization is perfect for those who like to label, bin, and tidy.
Heavy lifting is required for working with clay. We do not want any strained backs or injuries! Cubby organization also requires you to be able to bend over to walk into the cubbies, but they are high enough inside for most individuals to be able to sit on a chair to avoid discomfort/injury.
Our Rowley and Tabor Galleries are the first thing people see when they walk in the door! In this volunteer role, you will help maintain and keep up our gallery spaces.
Your help and support allows us to keep a fresh environment for our members, artists, donors, and community members, as well as keep our fixtures in tip-top shape.
• Help maintain appearance of gallery fixtures, such as pedestal and movable walls
• Woodworking and building experience appreciated
• Use of at-home woodshop or workspace is appreciated, as Studio 23 does not have facilities to carry out larger building projects.
• Ability to lift, carry, or move heavy objects is appreciated
Estimated Time Commitment
Time for this type of volunteer role is flexible. If you are interested in helping us with these responsibilities, please contact us and we will work together to make a plan.
Studio 23 Responsibilities & Support
As stated above, unfortunately, Studio 23 does not have a woodshop or the facilities or tools to carry out larger projects. We will provide supplies and guidance.
Skills, Talents, or Interests Required
Woodworking and building experience is appreciated, but not required! If you like to build and construct, this is for you.
Committee members provide valuable insight and support to Studio 23 staff in order to meet goals specific to each committee. Committees include:
Black & White Committee
The Black & White Committee plans Studio 23’s largest fundraiser of the year. The annual event typically includes a silent and live auction, hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and a raffle. Committee members are asked to help market the event, sell event and raffle tickets, ask businesses for donations, and assist in the setup and teardown.
Chalk Walk Art Festival Committee
Chalk Walk Art Festival Committee members will help plan for our annual Chalk Walk Festival, as well as volunteer on the day of the event.
Education Committee
Education Committee members work to raise funds for our Culver Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund as well as help with outreach for education, classes, workshops, and events.
Exhibition Committee
Exhibition Committee members help with installation of exhibits, maintenance of gallery space, and decision-making in planning the exhibition schedule and exhibiting artists.
Fund Development
The Fund Development Committee helps the Studio in planning and fundraising for financial stability. Members assist the Executive Director in maximizing funding from our current donors and in finding new donors.
Membership & Volunteer Committee
Membership and Volunteer Committee members are enthusiastic about recruiting new members and volunteers and representing the Studio in our community.
Public Art Committee
The Public Art Committee assists in the brainstorming, planning, preparation, and execution of public arts projects in the Great Lakes Bay Region.
Spirit Squad Halloween Events Committee
Spirit Squad members help to plan our annual Curiosities & Wonders Exposition, decorate the Studio for Halloween, and assist in other October events.
To learn more about each committee, contact us at 989-894-2323 or stop in to the Studio, and the appropriate staff member will get back to you with more information.
• Attend Committee meetings to provide feedback and insight
• Provide assistance with committee tasks outside of regular meetings and volunteer at relevant events
• Represent Studio 23 in a professional and friendly manner
• Additional responsibilities are unique to each committee
Estimated Time Commitment
Committee meetings are typically 1 hour long and are conducted via Zoom on a quarterly basis. Committee members are expected to offer volunteer hours in a variety of tasks that relate to the goals of the committee, which can vary in size, scope, and time commitment.
Studio 23 Responsibilities & Support
Studio 23 will schedule and lead committee meetings, creating an agenda of discussion topics. Staff will provide more information at committee meetings on specific goals and tasks, and how committee members can be of assistance.
Skills, Talent, or Interests Required
Serving on a committee is a great role for those who like to work with a team, and who would like to be involved with Studio 23 on a fundamental level.
Studio 23 has been fueled by volunteers like you since 1959. By volunteering, you help us to achieve our mission of providing a vibrant arts center dedicated to making the visual arts relevant and accessible to all.
Donating your time helps us to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere during events, provide an organized, practical, and creative classroom environment for our students, and to spread a love of art beyond our walls and throughout the community.
As a volunteer, you get a behind the scenes look at how we operate with hands-on experience. Volunteering helps you to become a part of a community, provides job skills and experience that can help to advance your career, and can even help to combat depression.
For more on the advantages of volunteering, check out this article on the benefits of community service from Western Connecticut State University.
We would like to thank all of our volunteers for their time and service. We couldn’t do it without you!